To understand the tarot and ourselves, we look at the world around us. Just finishing up the edits on 365 Tarot Spells – due out next month – and I was tickled pink to collaborate with She Knows to create a piece where I would pair each cast member of Keeping Up with the Kardashians with a corresponding tarot card.
Little did I know – after I sent them the piece, they went the extra step of creating actual tarot cards out of the iconic family.
The results are stellar!
Click here for the full article and the reasons behind the choice of each card.
Kim Kardashian as the sensual Lovers card:

Kanye West as the explosive Tower card:

Kylie Jenner as the unstoppable Chariot card:

Kendall Jenner as the muse-like Star card:

Kloe Kardashian as the intuitive High Priestess card:

Kourtney Kardashian as the pregnant Empress:

Rob Kardashian as the reclusive Hermit card:

Kris Jenner as the domineering Emperor card:

Scott Disick as the conflicted and emotional Devil card:

Caitlyn as the integrated World card:

Special thanks to Colleen Stichcombe for her guidance and to Terese Condella for her MAD design skills!
#KeepingUpwiththeKardashians #KourtneyKardashianandEmpressCard #ChariotTarotcard #KardashianTarot #KendallJennerandStarCard #StarCard #SashaGraham #HighPriestess #KourtneyKardashian #ScottDisick #towercard #Empresscard #RobKardashian #Caitlyn #ScottDisickandtheDevilcard #KrisJenner #KylieJennerandtheChariotcard #EmperorTarotCard #SheKnows #KanyeWestandTowercard #KimKardashianTheLovers #KrisJennerandEmperorCard #KloeKardashianandHighPriestess #KloeKardashian #CaitlynandtheWorldTarotcard #KylieJenner #TheLoversTarotCard #RobKardashianandtheHermit #KanyeWest #KendallJenner #DevilTarotcard #worldtarotcard #KimKardashian #Hermitcard