The King of Wands
The King of Wands is someone who stirs up passions, the master of fire. His scepter symbolizes the Magician’s rod of power and lions and salamanders surround him. The King of Wands invokes passion, is confident and self-reliant. The King of Wands is hasty, fast, mature – an entrepreneur.
The King of Wands, such a perfect card of the day. I’m going to see the woman who embodies the King of Wands tonight in concert. Madonna! Talk about an entrepreneur who insights passions, stirs up a crowd and sits on the top of her game in a royal way!
My first puberty hormone popped simultaneously as Madonna’s Lucky Star video came out. I can define moments of my life by what incarnation Madonna embodied, what song she was singing, what controversy she cooked up.
Sophomore Hop, pressed dangerously close to my date – Vision Quest, Crazy for You Madonna. Lost summer selling t-shirts at the Jersey shore – the working class Papa Don’t Preach Madonna. My early twenties, I’m young, excited, living in NYC and actually meet her – pointy bra Truth or Dare Madonna. It’s my first trip to Europe and Italian MTV is playing cowgirl Madonna’s Don’t Stop every five minutes. Just name any Madonna song and I can tell you where I was in my life when that song came out. I’d be willing to bet lots of us can.
Oh yeah, and did I mention I love to dance? My love affair with the Material Mom was practically written in the stars. Unfortunately, I’m hearing lots of not so nice things about Madonna’s personality. Be it the tell book all written by her pissed off brother or rumors from people who know her. Looks like the iconoclast who’s fascinated me for over twenty years is not such a nice person.
Expressing my concerns to my husband, he looks incredulous and asks why in the world I’m surprised?
But what do you do with the fact the person who’s inspired you for two decades doesn’t pay the bills for her elderly grandmother? That she might *gasp* not be a nice lady?!?!
Easy! Separate the person from the image.
Whether she’s a bully or a saint matters not in the least. Tonight, I’ll stand alongside 20,000 other people, amidst a throbbing base line, massive stage show and dance my ass off! I’ll leave provoked as I always do. She’ll inspire me to be more creative, fabulous and driven in my own life. And that’s what idols and role models are there for!
Now, call me a follower if you like – I’m off to yoga class . . .