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Sasha Graham's Tarot Card a Day Blog

Ten of Cups Tarot Card

Happiness. Contentment. Endings.

Sunday morning came rather quickly. I pulled a card. It was the Ten of Cups. What a lovely card. An excellent Sunday card. I say this because tens in Tarot often represent endings and Sunday is the end of the week. This is also the happy family card and it seems Sunday would be the day any family would most likely be together.

This Sunday, however, I would not be frolicking with my husband and daughter. I was finishing up a Qabalah intensive with my Tarot teachers, Wald and Ruth Ann Amberstone. The second seven-hour day of the meaning and structure of Qabalah and its relationship to the tarot deck. It was very informative.

By the end of the afternoon, we stood, looking at the Tarot cards spread across the table, organized in the structure of the Tree of Life. We students looked exactly the same way the mother and father do on the Ten of Cups as if to say “Ta da! Look at this!”

It is worth noting, Cups are the suit of the emotions. It had felt like the end of an emotional weekend. A near and dear friend has come to town from the west coast. I was super excited up to see him. The Qabalah intensive had been exciting as it is always exhilarating to study and share tarot with a group of like-minded people. It had also been tedious at moments. The night before too much caffeine kept me wide awake so with little sleep, my emotions bubbled right below the surface.

I sit writing this on Monday morning. A storm blew into the city last night, washing everything clean. It feels like a new beginning. I’ll choose a new card. Why don’t you go ahead and pick one for yourself? Get a jump on your day and peek into your future. I promise you it will be fun. Go ahead – pick!

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